HSC Subject List

HSC Subject List & Subject Code (Arts, Commerce and Science)

The HSC subject list includes a range of subjects across different categories and disciplines. It covers science, arts, commerce, and vocational subjects, offering students various options.

This diverse range of subjects allows students to pursue their interests and strengths, preparing them for further education or entry into the workforce.

HSC Subject List with Subject Code (All Subjects)

  • Bangla 1st Paper – 101
  • Bangla 2nd Paper – 102
  • English 1st Paper – 107
  • English 2nd Paper – 108
  • Information and Communication Technology – 275
  • Higher Mathematics 1st Paper – 265
  • Higher Mathematics 2nd Paper – 266
  • Physics 1st Paper – 174
  • Physics 2nd Paper – 175
  • Chemistry 1st Paper – 176
  • Chemistry 2nd Paper – 177
  • Biology 1st Paper -178
  • Biology 2nd Paper – 179
  • Agriculture Education 1st Paper – 239
  • Agriculture Education 2nd Paper – 240
  • Geography 1st Paper – 125
  • Geography 2nd Paper – 126
  • Psychology 1st Paper -123
  • Psychology 2nd Paper – 124
  • Sports (for BKSP Students only) -158
  • Accounting 1st Paper -253
  • Accounting 2nd Paper – 254
  • Finance & Banking 1st Paper – 292
  • Finance & Banking 2nd Paper – 293
  • Economics 1st Paper – 109
  • Economics 2nd Paper – 110
  • Statistics 1st Paper – 129
  • Statistics 2nd Paper – 130
  • Production Management & Marketing 1s Paper – 286
  • Production Management & Marketing 2nd Paper – 287
  • Business Organization and Management 1st Paper -277
  • Business Organization and Management 2nd Paper – 278
  • Civic & Good Governance 1st Paper – 269
  • Civic & Good Governance 2nd Paper – 270
  • History 1st Paper – 304
  • History 2nd Paper – 305
  • Islamic History 1st Paper – 267
  • Islamic History 2nd Paper – 268
  • Sociology 1st Paper – 117
  • Sociology 2nd Paper – 118
  • Social Work 1st Paper – 271
  • Social Work 2nd Paper -272
  • Logic 1st Paper -121
  • Logic 2nd Paper – 122
  • Soil Science 1st Paper -288
  • Soil Science 2nd Paper – 289
  • Arts and crafts 1st Paper – 225
  • Arts and crafts 2nd Paper – 226

Groups in the Higher Secondary Level Studies

There are 3 kinds of group of study available for higher secondary certificate level includes:

Group Name
Arts (Humanity)
Commerce (Business Studies)
Group names for higher secondary studies.

Compulsory Subject List for All Groups

Subject NameSubject Code
Bengali 1st Paper101
Bengali 2nd Paper102
English 1st Paper107
English 2nd Paper108
Information & Technology (ICT)275
Compulsory subjects list for the higher secondary level.

HSC Science Group Subject List

Subject Name1st Paper2nd Paper
Bangla 101102
Higher Mathematics265266
Information & Technology275
Agriculture Education239240
Sports (for BKSP Students only)158159
Subjects with code for science group.

HSC Commerce Group Subject List

Subject Name1st Paper2nd Paper
Bangla 101102
Finance & Banking292293
Production Management & Marketing286287
Business Organization and Management277278
Subjects with code for commerce group.

HSC Arts (Humanity) Group Subject List

Subject Name1st Paper2nd Paper
Bangla 101102
Civic & Good Governance269270
Islamic History267268
Social Work271272
Islamic Study249250
Agriculture Education239240
Soil Science288289
Arts and crafts225226
Subjects with code for Arts group.

Last Notes

To sum it up, choosing the right HSC subjects can be a daunting task, but with proper guidance and research, it can be made easier. Always consider your interests, strengths, and future career goals before making a decision.

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